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The Greenlandic Translation of Harry Potter

If you are a Harry Potter fan and you are here, it means only one thing:

You want to get your hands on the rarest and most magical book in the wizarding world: The Harry Potter Greenlandic Translation.

The first edition Western Greenlandic or Kalaallisut translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is a must-have for any true Potterhead.

It’s the perfect way to admire J.K Rowling’s original work in another language and make it come alive!

But let’s be honest… you won’t read it in Greenlandic. Because you probably don’t understand a word of it!

So what makes that book so rare and wanted by so many? Let’s find out!


The story behind Harry Potter Ujarallu Inuunartoq

This Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone edition was published in Greenland in 2002 by Atuakkiorfik Greenland Publishers.

Today, this book is considered the “jewelry of the wizarding world” by Harry Potter fans.

Although it does not look so unique at first look, because the design of the book is the same as every other edition, and the main difference is that it’s in Greenlandic, It’s one of the rarest and most sought-after Potter books worldwide, and its value has increased significantly.

The Greenlandic Translation of Harry Potter

The main reasons that make this book so unique and rare:

No more books printed

The publishing house that printed this book, Atuakkiorfik Greenland Publishers, has been defunct for years, meaning no more copies can be found.

So after the book’s first print, no other editions were printed in Greenlandic.

And if it’s not enough, the translator, Stephen Hammeken, is sadly no longer with us, and translating any future editions of this book is increasingly unlikely.

So, besides the first book, there is no more Greenlandic translation of any other Harry Potter books to date.

The uniqueness of the language

The Western Greenlandic translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone may be one of the rarest items in existence – its limited print run was almost certainly because only a few people spoke the language.

Unfortunately, it’s currently impossible to know precisely how many copies were made – but with its scarcity, every single one is likely cherished like an enchanted treasure by its lucky owners!

The Isolation of Greenland

If you thought getting your hands on the first edition Western Greenlandic or Kalaallisut translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone would be a simple task, think again.

– After all, Greenland is an isolated island, which can make acquiring this book more challenging than defeating Voldemort himself!

Although it’s the most oversized island in the world, 84% of its space is ice. Its population lives in small villages and towns, so an item as rare as a Greenlandic Harry Potter book that no one knows how many copies were printed and still exists can be pretty hard to find.

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Here are my suggestions for finding the original translation

If you’re looking for the original Western Greenlandic translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, here are some tips to help you out:

Ask around at bookstores or libraries

You could ask bookstores or libraries if they have copies of this special edition.

With a bit of luck, you might find someone who can help!

But honestly? It’s so rare, and you won’t find it so quickly, so I recommend contacting bookstores and libraries in Greenland – who knows, maybe someone may have seen it in the wild!

Search online forums and groups.

There are some online Harry Potter communities and fan clubs where you can look for the original Greenlandic translation. In addition, you might be able to find another Potter fan who is willing to help you out or sell his book for you!

And if you do find someone, remember to be polite and patient.

After all, this book is so rare that finding it may take some time.

Check online marketplaces such as eBay.

You could also try looking on online marketplaces such as eBay for the Western Greenlandic edition of this book.

Be aware that these sites may have some copies available, but they’re likely expensive due to their rarity – so it’s essential to ensure you’re getting exactly what you’re paying for!

Talk to any experts in the field

They might have helpful advice or leads to follow up on.

The more people you talk to, the better your chances of finding this elusive treasure!

Use your social networks

Sometimes, word of mouth can turn up unlikely gems.

So don’t be shy about asking for help or advice from your friends and family.

They might know someone who knows someone who’s got a copy of the book, so it’s worth giving it a try!

I think it’s also good advice for life: If you want something, let the world know it!

So I will use my advice now: I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that I’m searching for a book too!

It has my three most enormous loves in one thing: my love for Greenland, Harry Potter, and books.

So I would like to have my hands on it.

If you know anyone with a copy or any information about it, please let me know and contact me!

I’m sure we would both be grateful.

And I promise to cherish you forever and even give you credit in this guide! 🙂

Save time & money and book a hotel in Greenland now:

So, if you ever manage to get your hands on this book, consider yourself lucky!

You will have a unique piece of magic in your hands. No wonder it’s worth so much!

Here’s a YouTube video about the story of a Harry Potter fan who managed to find the original Greenlandic translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: 

Good luck with your search!

It may take some time, but I’m sure you’ll be able to find this precious item if you want to.

Did you know?

Greenland is mentioned in the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!

In the book, Bill Weasley was having a laugh when he asked if Mad-Eye Moody had taken the Advance Guard on a trip through Greenland as if it were a detour instead of a straight shot to Grimmauld Place.

As a guy obsessed with Greenland, I remember reading those lines in the book repeatedly; I couldn’t believe my beloved Greenland was mentioned in one of my favorite books.

It made me happy!

I still remember that feeling, making me appreciate J. K. Rowling even more.

I know it’s just a mention, and Greenland didn’t take a significant role in the books, but it’s still imposing.

Because back then, if someone just mentioned Greenland to my ear or my eyes, I was like, “Yay!!! Someone knows where Greenland is!!!”

Didn’t find the book?

I got a surprise for you! Someone kind enough scanned his copy of this book in PDF and shared it with us.

You can find the link for the scanned book here.

In conclusion

I hope this guide helps you find the Western Greenlandic edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

Finding this book might not be easy, but success is within reach with a bit of effort and patience!

Please get in touch with me with any questions about this guide or the book!

And if you managed to find the book, I would love to hear your story!

Good luck, and happy hunting! 🙂

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Picture of Matan Cohen
Matan Cohen

Aluu! My name is Matan, and I have a weird obsession with Greenland. I love everything about it - the mystery, the uniqueness, and the wildness. My friends think I'm crazy for liking it so much ("Why can't you be a normal person who wants to visit the USA or Western Europe?"), but to me, there's nothing like Greenland in the world - and trust me, I'm traveling a lot!

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About Me

Hi! My name is Matan, and I was born in a small town in Israel. As soon as I could, I started traveling the world and exploring every corner of it that I could.

My obsession with Greenland developed when I read about the Norse settlements there over 1,000 years ago. To me, it’s one of the most mysterious places on Earth-

It’s a place where glaciers meet the sea, and icebergs dot the horizon. Its people are warm and welcoming, and its culture is rich and fascinating.

I can’t wait to share my love for this far, remote, unique, and extraordinary place on my website!

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