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Where is Greenland?

Are you unfamiliar with the location of Greenland? Many people are!

The name can be misleading in that it couldn’t easily lead one to make assumptions about its geographical location.

In reality, Greenland is an autonomous country and not what many would expect based on the name alone.

Join us as we discover where precisely this mysterious place lies on our navigation maps.

Where is Greenland located?

Greenland is located between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean in the North American continent.

It lies between Canada and Iceland and is part of the Kingdom of Denmark.

Greenland is the most oversized island in the world, with 84% of its land area covered by glaciers.

So imagine that if all the ice in Greenland were to melt – instead of a big island, it would become an archipelago!

Finding Greenland on the map is a straightforward mission: You can’t miss it even if you try because it’s enormous!

Greenland enjoys a very isolated location in the world, surrounded by icy waters and tundra.

This gives the country a unique identity and makes it one of the most secluded places on Earth.

Despite its isolated location, Greenland has some fantastic natural attractions worth visiting.

If you’re looking for an adventure off the beaten path, Greenland might be the place for you!

You can wander around its vast tundra, admire the majestic icebergs, explore its many glaciers and fjords, and even go whale watching.

Where is Greenland

What country owns Greenland?

Greenland is an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark.

It is a self-governed nation with its parliament, government, and judiciary whose laws take priority over any Danish legislation.

However, Denmark still has authority over Greenland’s foreign affairs and defense matters.

In addition to its autonomy, Greenland has its flag, language, and currency.

What language does Greenland speak?

Greenlanders speak the Greenlandic language, an Eskimo-Aleut language of the Inuit people.

It is spoken by more than 70% of the population, mostly Greenlandic Inuit.

Greenlandic is the official language in Greenland, while Danish and English are also commonly used in Greenland-

Most will say that the locals use Danish more than Greenlandic, but it’s still essential for the Greenlanders to keep the language alive.

What is the capital of Greenland?

The capital of Greenland is Nuuk, located in the island’s southwestern area.

Nuuk is home to around 17,000 people and is an important cultural hub for the country.

It features a stunning harbor and plenty of attractions you can explore.

Visitors will explore many interesting points, including a natural history museum, a botanical garden, and many landmarks.

Nuuk is known for its incredible nightlife and fantastic restaurants where you can sample traditional Greenlandic cuisine.

What is Greenland called now?

Greenland is still referred to as Greenland today, but its official name is Kalaallit Nunaat (Land of the People), or “Inuit Nunaat,” and its inhabitants are known as Greenlanders.

The people of Greenland have kept their culture alive through generations and continue to be proud of their heritage.

Greenland is a fantastic destination with a unique culture and spectacular scenery.

If you ever have the chance to visit, don’t miss out! Trust me; you won’t regret it.

That trip changed my life, and as you can see, it led me to build this website to share my love and knowledge of this beautiful country.

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Can I live in Greenland?

As a Nordic citizen, you can work in Greenland without restrictions.

However, it’s much more complicated if you want to move there longer (more than six months).

You must apply for a residence permit from the Greenland Immigration Department.

If you’re considering making Greenland your home, it’s essential to understand that living in the Arctic is no picnic.

It can be challenging and expensive to sustain yourself in this remote country – but if you manage to make it work, it could be the most rewarding experience of your life.

The people are friendly, and nature is unforgettable. Greenland will always have a special place in my heart!

Does anyone live in Greenland today?

Yes, Greenland has a population of 56,000 people, mainly concentrated on its south and west coasts.

Most of the population lives in small villages or settlements across the island.

Most Greenlanders (88%) are Inuit or mixed Danish-Inuit; many still speak the Greenlandic language.

The economy is primarily based on fishing, but in recent years there has been a shift toward tourism and technology industries.

Greenlanders are known for their hospitality and welcoming nature – so if you ever get the chance to visit, don’t miss out!

Why do people live in Greenland?

The main reason why people choose to live in Greenland is its natural landscapes and unique culture.

Greenland’s terrain is mostly mountainous, with some of the highest peaks in the Arctic.

Its coasts are home to plenty of sea life, including whales, seals, and polar bears.

The country also has a rich cultural history, and its inhabitants are proud of their heritage.

On top of that, there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and kayaking – which, by the way, were invented by the Inuit people in Greenland!

Is Greenland bigger than the US?

No, Greenland is much smaller than the US.

Greenland covers an area of 2,175,600 square kilometers (836,330 square miles), while the US covers 9.83 million square kilometers (3.79 million square miles)-

Which means Greenland is 4.2 times smaller than the US!

Greenland is also lower in population, with just 56,000 inhabitants compared to the US’s 325 million.

Despite its smaller size, Greenland is still an essential geopolitical player in the Arctic region and is home to a unique culture and stunning landscapes.

No matter what you’re looking for, this incredible country has something to offer everyone!

Is Greenland a member of the EU?

No. Although they are part of the Kingdom of Denmark, Greenland is not a European Union (EU) member.

Greenland left the EU in 1985 when it became an independent country within the Danish Realm.

This means it does not have access to many benefits and regulations provided by the EU.

Despite this, Greenland has a government that works to protect the interests of its people.

It is also an essential part of the Arctic region, with a thriving economy and culture that is unique and proud.

Save time & money and book a hotel in Greenland now:

What is the climate in Greenland?

Greenland has a tundra climate near the coasts and an ice cap climate in inland areas.

Summers are short and relaxed, while winters are moderately cold.

Is Iceland a part of Greenland?

No. Iceland is a separate and independent European country in the North Atlantic Ocean.

It has its government and economy and is not part of the Kingdom of Denmark like Greenland.

Iceland covers an area of 103,000 square kilometers (39,769 square miles) and has a population of just over 350,000 people.

Despite their similar names, Iceland and Greenland are distinct entities with very different cultures, languages, and climates.

Is Greenland part of the Arctic Circle?

Greenland is located within the Arctic Circle – an imaginary line around the north pole. Therefore, this area experiences extreme weather conditions, such as long winter nights and short summer days.

It is also home to unique landscapes and wildlife, making it a fascinating place to explore.

The Arctic Circle comprises parts of 8 countries – Canada, Denmark (including Greenland), Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the US.

Together these countries form a crucial geopolitical region in the northernmost part of the world.

In conclusion

Greenland is a unique and fascinating country with plenty to offer.

Its natural landscapes, rich culture, and hospitality make it an ideal destination for tourists exploring the Arctic Circle.

Its economy has shifted towards tourism and technology industries in recent years, giving its inhabitants more opportunities than ever before.

So if you’re looking for an incredible place to visit, Greenland should be on your list!

The country is home to some of the highest peaks in the Arctic, giving visitors breathtaking views and an unforgettable experience.

So why not take a trip to Greenland and explore its beautiful landscapes yourself? You won’t regret it!

In the comment section below, let me know if you’ve visited Greenland or plan on visiting. I’d love to read your stories and experiences.

Thanks for reading!

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Picture of Matan Cohen
Matan Cohen

Aluu! My name is Matan, and I have a weird obsession with Greenland. I love everything about it - the mystery, the uniqueness, and the wildness. My friends think I'm crazy for liking it so much ("Why can't you be a normal person who wants to visit the USA or Western Europe?"), but to me, there's nothing like Greenland in the world - and trust me, I'm traveling a lot!

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About Me

Hi! My name is Matan, and I was born in a small town in Israel. As soon as I could, I started traveling the world and exploring every corner of it that I could.

My obsession with Greenland developed when I read about the Norse settlements there over 1,000 years ago. To me, it’s one of the most mysterious places on Earth-

It’s a place where glaciers meet the sea, and icebergs dot the horizon. Its people are warm and welcoming, and its culture is rich and fascinating.

I can’t wait to share my love for this far, remote, unique, and extraordinary place on my website!

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