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Why did Trump want to buy Greenland?

Speculation and confusion have abounded since news broke that President Trump was interested in buying Greenland from Denmark earlier this year.

From politicians to pundits, analysts to the American public, many are left scratching their heads as they attempt to wrap their minds around why precisely the world’s most powerful leader would set his sights on purchasing an icy slice of the Kingdom of Denmark with a population of just 56k people.

Do we need more ice? Is there something hidden beneath its glaciers that he wanted to get his hands on?

Or perhaps he likes saying “Greenland” three times fast? Everyone has their theories – let’s explore what could be behind Trump’s pursuit of Greenland!

Why did Trump want to buy Greenland

Why did Trump want the U.S. to buy Greenland?

There is more than one reason why Trump wanted to buy Greenland. It could be anything from a desire to expand America’s geopolitical influence in the Arctic region to his interest in exploiting Greenland’s natural resources.

Let’s take a look at some of them:

The location of Greenland

One of the main reasons behind President Trump’s interest in buying Greenland is its strategic location.

The island is the closest U.S. territory to Europe and is a critical waypoint between North America and Russia, making it an important military asset for both countries.

Greenland is a rich source of minerals, oil, gas, and more

In addition, its vast deposits of minerals, oil, gas, and rare piles of earth make it an attractive target for resource-hungry nations.

The opportunity for access to many natural resources, such as petroleum and rare minerals, has made Greenland an attractive investment opportunity-

Not just for the USA but also for other countries such as Russia and China.

Greenland has the largest deposits of rare earth piles outside China, making it an attractive target for companies exploiting these resources.

The connection between Greenland and the U.S.

Furthermore, Greenland holds a special place in American history – the U.S. has maintained a military presence on the island since World War II as part of its defense treaty with Denmark.

The U.S. occupied Greenland during the war and is still one of its closest allies:

While Denmark was disconnected from Greenland because they were under the nazis, the U.S. held strategic importance on the island and continues to provide support in many ways.

This includes economic aid and joint training exercises between their respective military forces.

Trump attempted to expand America’s geopolitical influence by strengthening its ties with Greenland.

President Trump could further solidify the U.S.’s presence in the Arctic region by purchasing Greenland and strengthening its geopolitical standing.

And hey – the Americans bought Alaska from Russia, so why not try to buy Greenland from Denmark?

To expand the U.S.’ influence

President Trump has proposed buying Greenland from Denmark. Through this move, he could strengthen America’s position and ensure it is prepared to face any challenges rival nations pose in the Arctic.

While many have been puzzled by Trump’s interest in buying Greenland, a few underlying factors may have been at play.

Greenland offers several attractive options for a nation looking to expand its influence in the Arctic region from its strategic location, rich natural resources, and longstanding ties to the U.S.

A real estate investment

President Trump may have seen Greenland’s potential as an ideal real estate investment – with much of its land still untapped and ripe for development, the island could be a lucrative asset to own.

You can hate or love Trump, but one thing you can all agree with: he knows how to make a deal.

And if Greenland wasn’t such an attractive investment, there is no way he would pursue it – and that speaks to the island’s potential!

President Trump wanted to buy Greenland as a strategic move that would benefit the U.S. in the long run.

Whether or not Denmark will be willing to part with its icy outpost remains to be seen, but it has certainly given us all something interesting to talk about!

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Why is Greenland so important?

There’s more to this frozen island than meets the eye.

From its strategic location, rich resources, and longstanding ties to the US, Greenland is an attractive investment for any nation looking for a foothold in the Arctic region.

In addition to its abundant gold, diamonds, uranium, and other minerals, Greenland also contains a quarter of the world’s reserves of Rare Earth Elements (REEs), essential in advancing cutting-edge technologies. Furthermore, Greenland holds large amounts of crude oil and natural gas.

How much did Trump want to buy Greenland for?

No one knows how much Trump wanted to buy Greenland for, as it was never publicly disclosed. However, estimates suggest that the island’s resources are worth around $200 million U.S. dollars.

How did I calculate this? I just looked at the history:

In 1867, the USA purchased Alaska for $7.2 million, equivalent to roughly $130 million in today’s dollars.

Considering Greenland’s size – approximately 1.5 times that of Alaska – an increase of 50 percent would bring its value up to around $200 million.

What country did Trump want to trade for Greenland?

Believe it or not, Trump wanted to trade Puerto Rico for Greenland:

Imagine how Puerto Ricans felt when they heard that news!

Fortunately, the offer was declined by Denmark. But, of course, any other country would unlikely have accepted such an exchange, either.

So it seems Greenland will remain Danish for now – but who knows what the future holds?

Although the idea didn’t receive much support, it shows just how committed Trump was to purchase the island.

Ultimately, his ambition may have been too ambitious, as Denmark refused to entertain the proposal, and so did Greenland.

Why didn’t Denmark sell Greenland?

Denmark refused any offers, as Greenland is an autonomous country with its government and citizens.

The people of Greenland have long been striving for autonomy and are not interested in becoming part of the USA.

In addition, Denmark has enjoyed a close relationship with the U.S. over the years, which would be put in jeopardy should the island become part of the U.S.

Therefore, it was not in Denmark’s interest to sell Greenland – and they made that clear when they rejected Trump’s offer.

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Can a U.S. citizen buy land in Greenland?

U.S. citizens cannot purchase land in Greenland, but they can buy real estate in Greenland.

So the answer, in short, is yes, you can buy real estate in Greenland, but not the land on which it sits.

However, it is essential to note that the laws and regulations governing land ownership in Greenland may differ from those of the United States.

Therefore, it is essential to research any property you are interested in purchasing before committing.

Each municipality or community has regulations and restrictions regarding land ownership, so it’s essential to check with the local government before purchasing.

And to make it clear if the reader who reads this guide now is Donald Trump himself:

No, Donald Trump, you cannot buy Greenland – But hey, you can still buy a few properties in the country!

Please, keep Greenland authentic and beautiful as it is. We wouldn’t want to ruin such a majestic place with a big “Trump Hotel” in the middle of it now, would we?

So here’s to hoping Greenland remains a gorgeous and unique place for years!

In conclusion

Clear as ice – now you know all there is to know about Trump’s failed attempt to buy Greenland, an autonomous country belonging to the Kingdom of Denmark.

I hope this guide has helped you understand what happened and why it was declined.

And in case you’re wondering – no, a U.S. citizen cannot buy land in Greenland, but they can buy real estate within the country.

What do you think about Trump’s failed bid? Let me know in the comments below!

And until then – take care and keep exploring!

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Picture of Matan Cohen
Matan Cohen

Aluu! My name is Matan, and I have a weird obsession with Greenland. I love everything about it - the mystery, the uniqueness, and the wildness. My friends think I'm crazy for liking it so much ("Why can't you be a normal person who wants to visit the USA or Western Europe?"), but to me, there's nothing like Greenland in the world - and trust me, I'm traveling a lot!

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About Me

Hi! My name is Matan, and I was born in a small town in Israel. As soon as I could, I started traveling the world and exploring every corner of it that I could.

My obsession with Greenland developed when I read about the Norse settlements there over 1,000 years ago. To me, it’s one of the most mysterious places on Earth-

It’s a place where glaciers meet the sea, and icebergs dot the horizon. Its people are warm and welcoming, and its culture is rich and fascinating.

I can’t wait to share my love for this far, remote, unique, and extraordinary place on my website!

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