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The Mosquitoes in Greenland

Ah, summertime in Greenland! What a dream: Titanic glaciers that glow with sheer beauty, undisturbed snowy terrain ready to be explored… and then there are the mosquitoes!

Mother Nature also didn’t forget about having some pesky critters here!

Wait. What? Mosquitoes!? That’s right, folks – even Greenland has an unwelcome population of blood-sucking bugs that love nothing more than to turn your relaxing day outside into a frantic game of swatting and wallowing.

In this blog post, I’ll explore what you should do if you encounter a pesky mosquito while visiting the icy paradise.

Do mosquitoes carry any diseases in Greenland?

The first thing to remember is that Greenlandic mosquitoes don’t typically spread diseases, unlike their counterparts in other parts of the world.

That being said, they can still cause plenty of annoyance!

The best way to deal with them is by staying well-protected and avoiding areas with many of them.

While the current temperatures in Greenland keep mosquitoes from spreading diseases, this could change:

As temperatures continue to increase, it may become possible for disease-bearing mosquitoes to survive there. This means that even though the current mosquitoes are illnesses-free, their future generations might not be.

But let’s stay optimistically focused on the here and now.

The Mosquitoes in Greenland

What can I do to protect myself from mosquitoes in Greenland?

The best way to protect yourself is by using insect repellent and wearing protective clothing when you go outside.

So if you’re planning a trip to Greenland, don’t forget your mosquito net, repellent, and after-bite – because nothing ruins a vacation faster than being eaten alive by bugs!

But no need to worry if you forget them at home – these products can be easily found around the towns in Greenland.

Here is a list of protective gear you can use against the blood-sucking nuisances:

Insect Repellent

This is the best way to keep mosquitoes away! But first, look for an insect repellent that contains DEET or Picaridin.

I recommend buying it only in Greenland because every country has a different insect repellent for their “local” mosquitoes.

Mosquito Nets

If you’re staying in an area of Greenland where mosquitoes are particularly thick, a mosquito net can help keep them away from your skin and eyes.

I recommend you buy a head net – a hat with a net. It will help you keep your head cool and mosquito-free simultaneously!

You can also ask your hotel or hostel if they have a mosquito net for the bed.

Long-sleeved shirts and pants

An extra layer of clothing isn’t just a good idea – it’s essential for keeping mosquitoes away!

Opt for lightweight, long-sleeved shirts and trousers that effectively cover most of your skin to ward off the bugs.

I recommend buying lightweight clothing made of breathable fabrics, so you stay comfortable while keeping the bugs away.

But anyway, you will probably wear long clothes while traveling in Greenland, you know… the cold weather!


It’s inevitable – no matter how many precautions you take, mosquitoes will still find a way to bite you!

To soothe the itching and swelling caused by mosquito bites, use an after-bite product, such as a cream or balm.

These products contain antihistamine ingredients that reduce inflammation and itching.

So don’t forget to get some before you head outdoors in Greenland!

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How can I avoid mosquitoes in Greenland?

The mosquitoes and midges in Greenland tend to be most active during the summer months, so if you plan on visiting, you’ll want to take extra precautions.

Or, you can always avoid visiting Greenland during the summer, usually around June to August, as this is when the mosquitoes and midges are most active.

If you plan to visit in winter, you won’t even see a mosquito!

But… you will have cold weather to contend with.

Like me, they love Greenland but don’t like the cold!

So if you don’t want to spend your vacation swatting away bugs, take extra precautions and plan your visit at a different time of the year.

Stay away from areas with standing water and mainly swampy terrain, as these are hotspots for mosquitoes.

Also, avoid going out during dawn or dusk when they’re more likely to be active.

Why are there so many mosquitoes in Greenland?

If you’re wondering why there’s such an abundance of these pesky critters – blame the shallow pools of water and their endless craving for a hearty meal (a.k.a. you)!

These pesky critters need just two things to survive: shallow pools of water and a nearby source of blood… which, unfortunately, means you!

But not just you, but also animals found in Greenland like reindeer, birds, and musk ox.

So while they may be pesky and annoying, mosquitoes are a part of the natural landscape in Greenland – just like anywhere else.

By understanding why there are so many mosquitoes, how to protect yourself, and when to avoid them, you can still enjoy your summer getaway in Greenland without worrying about these pesky critters.

Where are mosquitoes mostly found in Greenland?

There is no easy way to say it, but mosquitoes can be found throughout Greenland, especially in summer.

They thrive in marshy and wet regions, so if you plan on visiting areas like Qaqortoq or Nuuk, be prepared for extra mosquito-related precautions.

The ice sheet is probably the only place “clean” from mosquitoes.

Save time & money and book a hotel in Greenland now:

Can mosquitoes ruin my trip to Greenland?

No, of course not!

Mosquitoes don’t have to ruin your trip to Greenland – with a few precautions and planning, you can still enjoy your vacation without worrying about these pesky critters.

Wear insect repellent, cover up when outdoors, and avoid standing water and areas with swampy terrain as much as possible.

With these precautionary measures, you can still explore the untouched beauty of Greenland – without the pesky mosquitoes!

And remember: they are not out to get you; they’re just looking for a yummy meal of blood. And they are not dangerous or carry diseases, just a nuisance! So don’t let them ruin your trip.

Enjoy Greenland – mosquitoes and all!

How bad are mosquitoes in Greenland?

Mosquitoes in Greenland can be pretty annoying, but they aren’t dangerous or carry any diseases.

They are most active during the summer months, so extra caution is advised if you plan on visiting during this time.

In conclusion

Mosquitoes in Greenland can be a nuisance, but with proper precautions and planning, you can still enjoy your trip!

So don’t let them ruin your vacation – avoid standing water and swampy terrain, wear insect repellent, and cover up when outdoors.

And if all else fails, get some mosquito netting – it works wonders!

Happy travels!

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Picture of Matan Cohen
Matan Cohen

Aluu! My name is Matan, and I have a weird obsession with Greenland. I love everything about it - the mystery, the uniqueness, and the wildness. My friends think I'm crazy for liking it so much ("Why can't you be a normal person who wants to visit the USA or Western Europe?"), but to me, there's nothing like Greenland in the world - and trust me, I'm traveling a lot!

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About Me

Hi! My name is Matan, and I was born in a small town in Israel. As soon as I could, I started traveling the world and exploring every corner of it that I could.

My obsession with Greenland developed when I read about the Norse settlements there over 1,000 years ago. To me, it’s one of the most mysterious places on Earth-

It’s a place where glaciers meet the sea, and icebergs dot the horizon. Its people are warm and welcoming, and its culture is rich and fascinating.

I can’t wait to share my love for this far, remote, unique, and extraordinary place on my website!

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